This includes Provision of Inspection and Technical Advice on the Integrity of the Assets

Onshore above Water Asset Integrity Inspections

  • Mechanical Assets -Pressure Vessel, Pipeline Localize Detection, Hydro and Gas Testing
  • Civil Assets – Steel, Concrete and Timber Structures,
  • Electrical Assets- Cable Rack,
  • Insulation & Fire Protection: Failure investigation/ lessons learned and advice on improved system; Asset data management and trending; Assessments and determination of remnant life.

Underwater and water retaining civil structural inspection of Asset

  • Cathodic Protection Surveys
  • Steel, Concrete and Timber structures
  • Internal and external inspection of Pipelines and outfall
  • Marine structures – Ports and marinas, Seawalls/retaining wall, shorelines Docks and piers
  • Tunnels and culverts
  • Bridges
  • Water retaining facilities – Dams, Reservoirs.
  • Storage tanks